Is Your Password Among The 12 Most Commonly Hacked in 2024?

1. 123456: The Most Breached Password
This simple numerical sequence remains the most hacked password globally. Used by over 42.5 million accounts, it's cracked in less than one second.
Similar variations like "123456789" and "12345678" are equally vulnerable. Replace it immediately with a complex combination of letters, numbers, and symbols at least 12 characters long.

2. Password: The Ironic Choice
Using 'password' as your password is like leaving your front door key under the doormat. Along with variants like "password1" and "p@ssw0rd," it's one of the most commonly breached passwords.
Hackers can guess it almost instantly, putting your accounts at serious risk.

3. qwerty: Keyboard Pattern Risk
Passwords based on keyboard patterns, like 'qwerty' or 'qwerty123', are found in over 10.7 million compromised accounts. Similar keyboard patterns like "qwertyuiop" and "1q2w3e4r" are equally vulnerable. Hackers specifically check for these predictable sequences.
Avoid using easy-to-guess patterns that follow the keyboard layout. Instead, use random combinations or memorable phrases with special characters.

4. Admin: Administrative Vulnerability
Default admin passwords like "admin" and "administrator" are prime targets, appearing in 1.8 million breaches.
Similar terms like "root" and "user" are equally compromised. Change default credentials immediately upon setup. Hackers exploit factory-set logins to access systems. Use administrator-specific strong passwords with regular updates.
See also - Your Password Manager Has 7 Critical Flaws (Here's How to Fix Them)

5. 1q2w3e4r: Pattern Problems
This seemingly random combination follows a keyboard pattern and has been compromised in 1.2 million accounts. Similar patterns like "zxcvbnm" and "asdfgh" are equally predictable. Hackers easily exploit these keyboard sequences.
Create truly random combinations or use a password manager's generator.

6. 123456789: Extended Weakness
Adding more numbers doesn't increase security. This sequence appears in over 18 million breaches. Similar patterns like "987654321" and "12345678" are equally vulnerable.
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7. Password1: Minimal Effort
Adding '1' to 'password' doesn't provide security. Along with variants like "Password123" and "password!" this combination has been found in 900,000 breaches. Common variations of weak passwords are easily cracked by attackers.

8. abc123: Alphabetical Danger
Common combinations like 'abc123' have been compromised in over 3 million breaches. Similar patterns like "xyz123" and "abc1234" are equally vulnerable.

9. 1234: Four-Digit Failure
Numeric-only passwords have been compromised in over 750,000 accounts. Similar patterns like "4321" and "0000" are equally vulnerable. Never use PINs as passwords. Choose passwords that mix letters, numbers, and symbols. Implement two-factor authentication for additional security.

10. 111111: Repetitive Risk
Passwords with repeated numbers are easily guessed and have been found in numerous data breaches. Common numeric sequences and repetitions are among the first combinations hackers try.
Similar passwords like "000000" and "999999" are equally vulnerable and appear frequently in breaches

11. Secret
Common terms, especially basic words like "secret," are easily exposed. These passwords have been found in numerous data breaches. Hackers often target obvious words knowing many people use them to keep their accounts "secret."
These types of passwords, along with similar variations like "TrustNo1" and "letmein," appear frequently in breaches due to their widespread use.

12. iloveyou
Using romantic or sentimental phrases like 'iloveyou' poses significant security risks. This common password, along with similar emotional expressions like "princess" and "sunshine," appears in most attackers' password lists due to their widespread use.
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