How To Change Navigation Button Order On Galaxy S8

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Samsung has changed the navigation button order on Galaxy S8. Instead of the physical home button, there are software buttons in this flagship. While some may welcome this change, the Samsung users may not be used to it and would like to have the same order of navigation buttons in place.

The actual order of the navigation buttons was originally Recents-Home-Back which has now changed to Back-Home-Recents. The company may have thought about the inconvenience some people may face which is why they have given an option using which you can change the location of the buttons according to what a usual Samsung phone has. Here is a step by step guide on how you could change back the Galaxy S8 navigation buttons.

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Steps To Change The Navigation Button Order On Galaxy S8

  • Go to Settings and select Display
  • Now scroll down to Navigation bar
  • Select the Button layout section. You will be able to see the options
  • You will notice there are two configurations that you can pick: Recents-Home-Back and Back-Home-Recents

  • Select the configuration of your choice

This is it! Your S8 navigation bar is back to the choice of your place and you can navigate without clicking on the wrong button all the time.

Here are Some More Samsung Galaxy S8 Tips:

  • The multi-window view lets you see two apps at the same. Click the recent app button and locate the app that you want and click on the icon that looks like two boxes on top of the app card. The app will set itself on the upper half of the phone and the same can be done with the second app. With the help of the blue line that will appear in the center, you can resize the apps by moving it up or down.
  • An icon in the shape of an eye in the camera app will enable Bixby vision. Tapping this will identify everything through the camera lens.
  • Go to Settings and select Advanced Features here turn on the Palm Swipe. This will enable the function of palm swipe so you don’t have to press the volume down button and standby button for a screenshot, just swipe your palm over the screen and you have your screenshot.
  • Ensure that your fast charging is on else your phone will not use fast charging. Go to Settings and select Device Maintenance, under this go to Battery and then Advanced Settings now turn on Fast Cable Charging.
  • The security of your Samsung Galaxy S8 can be enabled using three different ways. You can use your face, fingerprint or iris to unlock your phone. You need to go to Settings and scroll to Lock Screen Security and select Screen Lock Type. Pick your choice of biometric. You will need to set a passcode or backup PIN which is for additional security. The fingerprint scanner is at the back of the phone so if you find it difficult to locate the scanner you can pick face scan or iris scan.

See also: How to Quick launch the camera on Galaxy S8