How To Take Selfies On Samsung Galaxy S6 Using Gesture Control

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We all love smartphones because they are packed with so many awesome tools and features, and when it comes to Samsung devices, we can always expect tons of interesting and useful things. When Samsung announced Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 we have been pretty much excited, because we all knew that both devices will include many great options that will make our lives a lot easier. A few years back, cameras on smartphones were not nearly as powerful as they are today, and photo quality was poor. But, fortunately, all that changed. We are able to capture every single moment with our smartphones with ease, and there are a few things you can enable to improve the experience. If you like to take selfies, keep on reading because we are going to show you how to take selfies on Samsung Galaxy S6 using gesture control.

Gesture control is a front facing camera feature, and once you enable this option and want to snap a selfie, you won’t have to press the shutter button. All you need to do is show your palm! Let’s be honest – we all learned how to pose for selfies, but we often ruin the photo because we change the body position in the last second so that we can press the button. Forget about that!

You can take photos on Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge using Voice control, which is also an awesome feature that works for both, front and rear camera.

You may also read: Different Camera Modes Of Samsung Galaxy S6

How to take selfies on Samsung Galaxy S6 using gesture control

The first thing you need to do is to enable gesture control because this feature is turned off by default. Follow the steps below:

  • From the Home screen tap on Camera app
  • Switch to front facing camera (as mentioned this feature is available only for front camera)
  • Open Settings by tapping on the gear icon and move the switch next to Gesture control to enable it.

That’s it. You are ready to take selfies using this awesome feature.

Turn on your front camera, and show your palm (make sure you see it on the screen). When you see the timer on the screen, it means your palm is recognized, and after two seconds, the selfie will be taken. You can use this feature for group selfies as well!

You may also see: How To Use Samsung Galaxy S6 Quick Connect

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