How to fix iPhone SE slow performance issue (Keeps Lagging)

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The iPhone SE has been reported to experience slow performance issues, which can be frustrating when you need to use your phone urgently. This problem can be caused by several factors, including limited storage space, outdated software, and battery issues.

Insufficient storage space is a common reason for slow performance on the iPhone SE. When the storage space is full, the device has to make room for new content, which can cause slower app loading times, scrolling delays, and other performance issues. Outdated software can also contribute to the problem, as new updates often contain bug fixes and performance improvements.

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Battery problems can also lead to slower performance, as the iPhone SE's battery can deteriorate over time, causing the device to slow down. Additionally, the device may automatically throttle performance to prevent sudden shutdowns from aging batteries. Replacing the battery can help improve performance, but it's important to note that all rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan and will eventually need to be replaced.

Reasons for Slow Performance on iPhone SE

There are several reasons why an iPhone SE may experience slow performance. Here are a few of the most common:

  • Low Storage Space: When an iPhone runs out of storage space, it can slow down significantly. This is because the device needs a certain amount of free space to function properly. If the storage is almost full, the iPhone SE may struggle to perform basic tasks like opening apps or taking photos.
  • Outdated Software: If an iPhone is running outdated software, it may not be able to keep up with the demands of newer apps and features. This can cause the device to slow down or even crash. It's important to regularly update the iPhone SE's software to ensure optimal performance.
  • Too Many Background Processes: If there are too many apps running in the background, it can cause the iPhone SE to slow down. This is because the device is trying to allocate resources to all of the open apps, which can be overwhelming. It's important to regularly close out of apps that are not in use to free up resources.

  • Old Hardware: As the iPhone SE ages, its hardware may not be able to keep up with newer apps and features. This can cause the device to slow down or even become unresponsive.
  • Environmental Factors: Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can cause an iPhone SE to slow down. This is because the device is trying to regulate its temperature, which can take away resources from other tasks. It's important to keep your iPhone in a moderate temperature environment to avoid performance issues.

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How to Check Your iPhone SE's Performance

Checking your phone's performance is essential to determine whether it's running smoothly or not. Here are some ways to check your iPhone SE's performance:

1. Use Apple's Built-in Tools

Apple provides built-in tools that can help you check your iPhone SE's performance. Go to Settings > General > About, and scroll down to the "Capacity" and "Available" sections. If your iPhone's available space is less than 10%, it might be the reason why your iPhone SE is running slowly.

You can also check your iPhone SE's battery health by going to Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If your battery health is below 80%, it may affect your phone's performance.

2. Use Third-Party Apps

There are several third-party apps that you can use to check your iPhone SE's performance. One of the most popular apps is Geekbench. This app benchmarks your iPhone SE's CPU and GPU performance, and it also provides a score that you can compare to other iPhone models.

You can also use the Lirum Device Info Lite app to check your iPhone SE's hardware information, including CPU usage, memory usage, and battery health.

3. Check for Software Updates

Software updates can improve your iPhone SE's performance by fixing bugs and optimizing the operating system. To check for software updates, go to Settings > General > Software Update. If there's an available update, download and install it.

It's also important to keep your apps up to date. Go to the App Store and check for app updates regularly.

By following these tips, you can check your iPhone SE's performance and ensure that it's running smoothly.

4. Reset all settings.

To reset all settings on your iPhone SE, including language and keyboard settings, you can follow these steps: Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings. Rest assured that resetting these settings will not result in any data loss. Simply enter your passcode and tap "Reset All Settings" to confirm the action.

Tips to Improve iPhone SE Performance

There are several ways to improve the performance of your iPhone SE. Here are some tips:

  • Update your iOS: Apple regularly releases updates to improve the performance of iOS. To check for updates, go to Settings > General > Software Update.
  • Clear the cache on your iPhone SE: Clearing the cache can free up space and improve the performance of your iPhone. To clear the cache, go to Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data.
  • Close background apps: Background apps can slow down your iPhone SE. To close background apps, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and swipe left or right to find the app you want to close. Then, swipe up on the app to close it.
  • Reduce motion: Reducing motion can improve the performance of your iPhone SE. To reduce motion, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion.
  • Turn off location services: Turning off location services can improve the performance of your iPhone SE. To turn off location services, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and toggle it off.
  • Disable automatic downloads: Automatic downloads can slow down your iPhone SE. To disable automatic downloads, go to Settings > App Store and toggle off Apps and App Updates under Automatic Downloads.
  • Turn off background app refresh: Background app refresh allows apps to refresh their content in the background, which can drain your battery and slow down your device. To turn off background app refresh, go to Settings > General > Background App Refresh.

  • Delete unused apps: If you have apps on your device that you no longer use, they can take up valuable space and slow down your device. To delete unused apps, press and hold the app icon on your home screen until it starts to jiggle, then tap the X in the top left corner.

  • Reduce transparency: iOS has a feature called transparency that makes certain elements of the interface translucent. This can look cool, but it can also slow down your device. To reduce transparency, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Increase Contrast and turn on Reduce Transparency.

By following these tips, you can improve the performance of your iPhone SE and enjoy a faster, smoother experience.

When to Consider Upgrading Your iPhone SE

Upgrading an iPhone SE can be an expensive decision, but sometimes it is necessary to improve performance and keep up with the latest features. Here are some signs that it may be time to consider upgrading your iPhone SE:

  • Your iPhone SE is more than four years old: iPhone SEs typically have a lifespan of about four years before they start to show signs of slowing down. If your iPhone SE is older than four years, it may be time to upgrade.
  • Your iPhone SE is no longer receiving software updates: Apple releases software updates regularly to improve performance and fix bugs. If your iPhone SE is no longer receiving updates, it may be time to upgrade to a newer model.
  • Your iPhone SE is running out of storage space: As apps and media files continue to take up more space, it may become difficult to use your iPhone SE if it is constantly running out of storage. Upgrading to a model with more storage space can alleviate this issue.
  • Your iPhone SE's battery life is significantly reduced: Over time, iPhone SE batteries can lose their ability to hold a charge. If you find yourself constantly needing to charge your iPhone SE throughout the day, it may be time to consider upgrading.

Ultimately, the decision to upgrade an iPhone SE depends on individual needs and preferences. If you rely on your iPhone SE for work or other important tasks, upgrading to a newer model with improved performance and features may be worth the investment. However, if your current iPhone SE meets your needs and you are satisfied with its performance, there may be no need to upgrade at this time.


As technology continues to evolve, it is not uncommon for older devices to experience slower performance. While Apple has faced criticism in the past for intentionally slowing down older iPhones, it is important to note that there are various factors that can contribute to slow performance, including software updates and storage space.

Fortunately, there are several steps that users can take to improve their iPhone SE's performance. These include regularly updating the device's software, freeing up storage space by deleting unnecessary files and apps, and managing background app activity. In addition, users can also consider investing in newer iPhone models with more advanced hardware and features.

However, it is important to weigh the cost-benefit of upgrading and determine whether it is a necessary expense. Ultimately, by taking proactive steps to manage their device's performance, iPhone SE users can continue to enjoy their devices for years to come.

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