How to bookmark videos and series on CuriosityStream

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Do you have a favorite TV show which you are currently actively watching on CuriosityStream, but you are tired of constantly having to search for it? Well, do not worry, there is a way to bookmark your favorite TV show on CuriosityStream and always continue streaming right there where you left off. And in this article, we are going to be showing you just that, how to bookmark videos and TV shows on the CuriosityStream platform. So, without further ado, keep reading this article to see and learn the process of doing so.

See also: How to reset CuriosityStream password

Steps to bookmarking videos and TV shows on the CuriosityStream platform

There are two ways in which you can bookmark a TV show on CuriosityStream.

The first way:

If you are scrolling through some TV shows on CuriosityStream and you find the one that intrigues you and you want to watch it later, you can add it to your bookmark list very easily. In order to add it to your bookmark list, you just have to click on the small plus button that should be located in the top right corner of that TV show’s thumbnail picture. That TV show is going to be added to your bookmark watchlist right away. If you want to access that bookmark watchlist, you simply need to click on your account’s name in order to open up a small drop-down menu. In that drop-down menu, find the Watchlist section and click on it. You will be taken to your bookmark list right away, and all of the TV shows that you have ever bookmarked will be right there.

The second way:

And, the second way of adding TV shows and videos to your bookmark watchlist is by opening that TV show’s page. You will have to go and look for a TV shows which you want to add to your bookmark, and after that, open its page. Once the page of that TV show has loaded on your screen, you should be able to see some options and buttons right under its name. Again, find the plus button there and click on it. By clicking on that button, your TV show is going to be added to your bookmark list straight away. And, if you want to access that bookmark, just read the instructions from the above subparagraph and you will always be able to access your bookmarked content.

Steps to removing videos and TV shows on the CuriosityStream from your bookmark list

And, if you have maybe finished watching a show (or you do not like some TV show) and you want to remove it from your bookmark watchlist you can do that in just a couple of simple steps.

In order to remove some TV shows from your bookmark list, you first have to access that watchlist. So, click on your account’s name in order to open up a small drop-down menu. Click on the Watchlist section in that menu and wait until all of the show in your watchlist load. Find a TV show which you want to remove from that list and click on the small checkmark button that should be located in the top right corner of that TV show’s thumbnail picture. That specific TV show is going to be removed from your bookmark watchlist right away. If it is not removed straight away, simply refresh that page and it will be gone.

Have in mind that you can always add new bookmarks and that you can add an unlimited number of TV shows to your bookmark watchlist.

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