How to Fix Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5

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Users of Galaxy S5 may get the problem of low memory as a lot of users have been facing this same issue. If you have bought a Galaxy S5, then knowing the solution of Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5 may come helpful when you face this issue.

Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5

Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5

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Troubleshootingof Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5

Regarding the Low Memory Issue on Galaxy S5, users are always advised to delete some unused apps to free some space. If there are many apps installed in your phone and some of them are not being used, then uninstall them and resolve the issue.

Another way to fix this issue is moving the OBB files of your games to your SD-card if you play graphics heavy games on your Galaxy S5. The reason is that the high-end graphics occupy a big chunk of memory space. OBB is a file system that is used by the game developers and the file contains large files, music and videos. But this solution needs your Galaxy S5 to be rooted in order to work. For that first, you need to install Xposed framework on your phone. After that, follow the below steps in order to move OBB files to microSD card.

> Enable “KitKat SD card full access”- You have to enable this option from the Xposed installer app going to Download section. From there, search for KitKat SD-card full access and tap it. Now navigate to Version tab and then hit Download button which you will find beside the most-recent entry. After the android installer pops up, touch install > Done.

> Install OBB on SD moduleReturn to the Download section in Xposed app and look for OBB for SD developed by Marcel Dopita. This installation will make sure that your Galaxy S5 will be looking for SD-card when it tries to look for your games’ OBB files next time. Select the first search result and then navigate to settings tab. Touch Version and select Experimental from the list. Return to Versions again > Download button > Install > Done.

> Activate OBB and KitKat SD card full access on SD moduleGo back to Xposed app and active both the option so that the installation changes will start working after you reboot the phone. Touch the drop menu in Xposed app and mark both the modules. Go back to the Framework section by tapping the drop menu again. Simply touch the option to reboot your phone and then press Ok.

> Copy OBB files to your SD cardThis installation of these two modules will not transfer OBB files to SD-card. However, the new modules will give you an option to copy OBB files and paste them in SD-card. Go to Main Storage Menu > android folder and from there cut the large OBB files and paste to SD-card.

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