15 Pokémon Go Tips

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Pokémon Go has become one of the most popular games for smartphone users. It doesn’t matter how childish the entire idea of catching Pokémon feels, no one wants to be left behind. Everyone is trying hard for achieving higher XPs and better scores to level up and become a stronger player. However, our favorite game happens to drain our phone batteries very quickly and it also eats in our data plan too easily. So we may end up with a phone that powered off because the battery died before we could make it home for dinner. We are going to list some useful Pokémon Go tips so that you can have greater experience and enjoy the game even more.

See also: Pokémon Go Common Problems And How To Fix Them 

Top 15 Pokémon Go tips for better XP and greater experience

pokemon go tips

1. Curveballs Attract XPs

XPs are important for your Trainer to level up. You can gain XP by spinning the Poke Ball in a circular motion. It will take some time to get used to it, but you will slowly get into the habit of it and it will be easier for you to gain XP while catching Pokemon. Move your finger in the circular motion on your screen to spin the Poke Ball when you are in capture mode.

In the first few attempts, you may end up losing some Poke Balls but you will soon learn how to spin it properly and earn XP.



Pokémon GO crashes or performs slowly – Read

2. Piggy back Lures

Sometimes, we use incense or lures to attract Pokémon Go to a Pokéstop near us. While the incense allows the Pokemon to be seen only by the users who activate it, Lures allow all users in the area to see the Pokemon. So the next time you see a circle of confetti or something that looks like rustling leaves, you may want to hang around that area for a while and you will notice an extra Pokemon show up without using one of your Lures or incenses.



3. Use lower CP level Pokemon to beat other Pokemon in the gym and get higher Prestige

While using a higher CP level Pokemon to make sure that your gym gets stronger makes sense, at times, you may want to use a lower CP level Pokemon to take down the Pokemon in the gym. You may not be able to beat all of them, but even beating a few with a lower CP level Pokemon can gain you higher Prestige. Use this strategy to increase your Prestige.

4. Make the Lucky Eggs Work For you

When you activate a Lucky Egg, the items that you find at the Pokéstops will allow you to double your XP for the next 30 minutes. Try evolving as many Pokemon as you can once you activate a Lucky Egg. When you time the entire thing correctly, you will find that you can easily build up XPs and you will find yourself leveling up quickly. It is one of the easiest ways to move to the next level, especially if your goal is to level up.



5. Use Offline Maps

The game uses a lot of data for loading the maps from Google. Download the maps for areas that you visit most often so that your device does not use too much data trying to draw the surroundings time and again.

  • To do this, open Google Maps app on your device
  • Head into the Settings menu of the app
  • Now tap on Offline areas
  • Next, you must press the + icon and draw a square on the map for the area that you would like to download and then tap on Download.

Once these maps are downloaded to your device, you will not have to worry about losing too much of data.

Pokémon GO freezes  – Read

6. Transfer Some to Professor Willow

Every time you want to decide which Pokemon to keep and which ones to Transfer to Professor Willow, you may want to consider a few things. You would certainly want a duplicate Pokemon to be transferred to the Professor, but as for the others, when the decision is tough you must consider checking the multiplier of the Pokemon for its evolution. You can do this by checking the details of the Pokemon in an Evolution Calculator. A good Evolution Calculator is available on www.pogotoolkit.com.



7. Utilize Incense When You Are on The Move

If you are on the move, Incense is a better option than Lures. When you are not moving, then fewer Pokemon are attracted by the incense. On the other hand, when you begin to move, the incense begin to attract at least 1 Pokemon every minute for every 200 meters that you travel.

Because the incense will remain active for 30 minutes, moving around will help you get more while staying stationary can end up attracting just about 6 or 7 Pokemon in the 30 minutes.

8. Change the Timings of The Day

Playing Pokemon every day at the same time will lead to too many duplicates. This is usually because you are in the same area most of the times at that time of the day. Pokémon vary by location and timings of the day when you go looking for them. The nocturnal Pokemon will not be available during the day time so if you want to go hunting for new Pokemon, then you would want to change the timings of the day when you hunt them.

9. Play in Public Transport

You will not gain steps when you are in a public transport, but you will be coming across a lot more Pokéstops when you cover more distance. So if you are not in the driving seat, you should play Pokemon Go while traveling and you will find it is the best way to forget about the traffic or the time it takes to travel from one point to another. You will have your bag full of items very quickly and when you use them effectively it can help you gain precious XP.



Pokémon eggs won’t hatch  – Read

10. Have you tried the Zoom yet?

Zoom in and out to find more Pokémon in the area. You will be able to hunt more of wild Pokemon with the help of the Zoom. If you recently passed a Pokemon while you were in a car or a train then use the Zoom to check for the Pokemon and capture it.

11. Hatching Eggs

The eggs hatch when you walk a certain distance. The app will not track the steps you take when it is sleeping. So you have to make sure that the app is open while you are walking around so that the egg can hatch. The app also happens to know when you are in a car so that will not count. Another thing that seems to work is when you walk straight rather than zigzag across the town if you would like to hatch the eggs quickly. Walking straight helps the servers get the exact distance that you walked and it gets the egg to hatch quickly.



12. Let The Stardust Work For You

You will get stardust when an egg hatches or when a wild Pokemon is caught. It can be a helpful feature to boost the CP of a Pokemon. Use it wisely so that you can make the most of it. It is best used for Pokemon which has just a little bit in their CP bar left. This will help you level their CP up. It will make sure that you do not waste the precious Stardust you just collected.

Pokémon GO crashes or performs slowly – Read

13. How’s Your Bag Looking?

Is your bag too full of items that you do not need and it does not really have space for the Pokeballs that you really need. It is easy to use those Potions and Revives when you battle. If you do not want to delete these Revives and Potions, use battles to empty your bag. But if you can bring yourself to deleting the items then the very basic Potions and the Revives are the first things that you must consider deleting.

14. Turn off AR

AR is great, but when you are running out of battery then you may want to turn off AR once you spot a Pokemon. It will help you save battery and give you the chance to spend more time enjoying the game. Turning off the AR is also helpful when you would like to catch a wild Pokemon because it is more stable and easier to hit.



Pokémon eggs won’t hatch – Read

15. The weather can make a difference

If you notice changes in the weather, it may help in attracting new types of Pokemon depending on the type of weather you are experiencing in the area you are playing Pokémon Go. Rain usually attract water-type Pokemon which otherwise may be hard to spot if you play in an area that does not have waterbodies in the same region.

Use these tips to level up quickly and enjoy the game so that you can make the most of it. New updates continue to make the game more difficult but that is what makes the game interesting and fun to play.

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