why is samsung galaxy note 7 banned from flights

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In 2016, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The phone, which was supposed to be the crown jewel of Samsung's flagship line, was recalled and banned from flights. This article will explore the reasons why Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was banned from flights, the impact of the ban, and what Samsung did to address the issue.

The issue with Samsung Galaxy Note 7 batteries

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was launched in August 2016 to great fanfare. However, within weeks of its launch, reports of the phone exploding started surfacing. The issue was traced back to the battery, which was prone to catching fire and exploding. Samsung acknowledged the issue and announced a global recall of the phone in September 2016.

The impact of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 recall

The recall of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was one of the largest in the history of the mobile phone industry. The phone had been launched in 10 countries, and over 2.5 million units had been sold. The recall resulted in huge financial losses for Samsung, with estimates ranging from $5 billion to $17 billion. The recall also damaged Samsung's reputation, with customers losing faith in the brand.

The ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights

In addition to the recall, Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was also banned from flights. The ban was put in place by various airlines and aviation authorities, including the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The ban prohibited passengers from carrying Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on board flights, whether in checked luggage or hand luggage.

The reasons for the ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights

The ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights was put in place for several reasons. First and foremost, the phone was a safety hazard. The batteries in the phone were prone to catching fire and exploding, which could pose a risk to passengers, crew, and the aircraft. Second, the ban was put in place to prevent any accidental activation of the phone, which could lead to a fire. Finally, the ban was put in place to prevent any further damage to Samsung's reputation.

Samsung's response to the issue

Samsung took swift action to address the issue with Samsung Galaxy Note 7. The company stopped production and sales of the phone, and issued a global recall. Samsung also worked with aviation authorities to implement the ban on flights. In addition, Samsung conducted extensive investigations into the issue, and released a detailed report outlining the cause of the battery issue. The company also implemented new safety measures to prevent similar issues from occurring in the future.


The ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights was a necessary measure to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. The issue with the phone's battery was a major setback for Samsung, resulting in huge financial losses and damage to the company's reputation. However, Samsung's swift action and commitment to addressing the issue has helped the company regain the trust of its customers. The ban on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on flights may have been a dark chapter in Samsung's history, but it has also served as a valuable lesson in the importance of safety and quality control.

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