The U.S ITC Refuses the Lawsuit of NVidia Upon Samsung’s Patent Violation

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The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) refuses NVidia’s lawsuit upon the patent violation that was done by Samsung, according to Reuters. USITC decides not to review and remains in their previous decision from October 9.

NVidia sued for the same things before, the 3 GPU patent violations by Samsung. However, on October 9, Judge Thomas said Samsung did not infringe two Nvidia patents, and while it did infringe a third, he ruled that patent is invalid because it was not a new invention compared with previously known patents.

The U.S ITC Refuses the Lawsuit of NVidia Upon Samsung's Patent Violation

The NVidia lawsuit was filed to USITC because the ITC has the authority to stop the import of products  determines infringe a U.S patent. On their suit, NVidia was seeking to prevent the import of several Samsung products, including its Galaxy smartphones and tablets.

There is no further information yet what will be done by NVidia related to USITC decision, and the Samsung doesn’t give any comment about it.

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