Remember the Nokia 3310 phone that was released in the market in 2004? It was the most sturdiest phone at that time. The phone had many interesting features also. One could compose his/her own music, how interesting. The big size keys were easy to handle, type, and make calls. The more fun was the Snake game. It was very addictive, once started playing, we used to keep playing again and again. It was much more fun and addictive game than the games that come with today’s smartphones.
Nokia 3310 used to consider as the sturdiest phone ever. Now think, if the phone falls in boiling water, what would happen, will the phone work as normal or it will get damaged? For that click the below video that shows Nokia 3310 boiling water test.
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After falling in a bowl of water which was boiling at 100 degree temperature the phone remained on for some time. In few minutes the round shape white plastic around the screen started behaving strange. It got bent and come off from its place.
So even if the Nokia 3310 is very strong, you should not boil or fall it in water. It is shown in the video that after cooling the phone and after separating all the parts to absorb the water also it’s not working.
Therefore it is very clear to all of us that Nokia 3310 is unbreakable but it does not like water. So make sure that you are not in an argument with others that Nokia 3310 can work perfectly after boiling in water.