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Quantum Break Outages and Problems

0 Complaint

Within the past 24 hours (UTC)

Quantum Break outages and issues reported in the last 24 hours

The interactive chart above illustrates the number of problems reported by users. It is the total amount of reports that were received for Quantum Break over the past 24 hours. An outage is decided when the number of user complaints is higher than average

About Quantum Break

"Time has been broken. A Fracture in time, created by a time travel experiment that has gone wrong, is advancing at an inexorable pace. As a result, time itself is now stuttering to a halt and then restarting, causing the world to turn into a frozen tableau. Most are unaware of the imminent disaster. Jack Joyce is not one of these people: changed by the same experiment, he can see the damage as the Fracture advances; time keeps slipping more and more out of joint and as the world loses synchronization,destruction on a massive scale ensues. Jack is desperately trying to find a way to prevent the Fracture from reaching its conclusion – that final moment when the last grain of sand in the hourglass tumbles down, and time ends. But his best friend Paul Serene and the ruthless Monarch Solutions have their own plans, and Jack’s efforts don’t line up with them. They are willing to use whatever means necessary to stop him."
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  • Third person


  • super hero,helicopter,time travel,save the world,time manipulation,hand-to-handcombat,achievements,bullet time,ship,tv show,easter egg,over the shoulder,climbing,superhero,story rich,explosion,cloud,digital distribution,female protagonists,male protagonists,controller recommendation,bink video,windows store,xbox one x enhanced,polygonal 3d,adapted from television,original soundtrack release,sprinting mechanics,checkpoints,unstable platforms,moral decisions,pax east 2016,xbox live,real-time combat,male antagonist,difficulty level,shaky camera,e3 2014,gamescom 2014,e3 2013,moving platforms,cover system,destructible environment,live-action cutscene,motion capture animation,high definition graphics,dolby digital,gamescom 2015,tokyo game show 2014,in-engine cinematic,ambient music,fake tv show,surprising character switches,time paradox,time stopping,tokyo game show,balance platforms,swinging platforms,character models based on actual people,world premiere - 2015 (the game awards),the game awards 2015
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