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Current Predecessor status is up, with no reported problems.

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Predecessor Outages and Problems

2 Complaints

Within the past 24 hours

Predecessor outages and issues reported in the last 24 hours

The interactive chart above illustrates the number of problems reported by users. It is the total amount of reports that were received for Predecessor over the past 24 hours. An outage is decided when the number of user complaints is higher than average

About Predecessor

You and four allies join arms in battle as you fight for glory on the battlefield against enemy heroes on a traditional 3 lane map featuring an interactive jungle, epic monsters and more! In a match 10 players are divided into two teams with each player controlling their chosen hero. No two heroes are the same. Each hero has their own unique abilities and design, meaning there’s a hero to match everyone’s style of play. Heroes complete objectives to collect gold like killing minions, towers or enemy heroes. As a hero collects more gold they can buy items from the shop that influence their heroes in interesting ways - allowing them to teleport to new locations, go invisible, freeze time and more. Items also allow a hero to get more powerful by giving their hero better attributes such as power, attack speed, health and various other stats. Unlike most MOBAs, Predecessor puts you into the heart of the action. The Third-Person perspective fully immerses you into the game as enemies appear from shadow walls, over ledges or from behind you.

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Game Modes

Game Engines

Player Perspective

  • Third person


  • moba