How to Install, Update and Delete Apps On Galaxy Note 8

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The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is a delightfully pleasing phone that has already met its users' expectations. It looks and works great. With a giant screen and extensive memory, you can have apps on your phone to make it more useful and customize it according to your choice. Here is a quick guide on how to install, update and delete apps on the Galaxy Note 8.

How to Install Apps on Galaxy Note 8

Installing an app is quite simple; follow the steps below:

  • On your screen, click on the Play Store icon
  • You will see several options on the screen displayed and a search tab right on top
  • You can type or give a voice command to look for the specific app you want
  • Say, for instance, you want a bike game and write bike. You will get a list of game apps with the ratings mentioned. Click on the one that interests you most and scroll through the details before hitting the Install button.
  • You will also see whether the app is free or whether there is a price for it. You can choose accordingly before proceeding.
  • Once you click on Install, the app will be installed on your device (it may take a few seconds or minutes, depending on your internet connection), and a shortcut key will be created on your phone screen.
  • Your app is installed and ready to be used.

How to Update Apps on the Galaxy Note 8

How to Install Apps on Galaxy Note 8

  • To update the apps on your device once again, go to the Play Store
  • On the screen, locate and tap the Menu key, which is the three sets of lines placed towards the left-hand side corner of your phone on top
  • Locate My Apps, and if any updates are pending, you will find a tab that says Update All. Below is a list of apps that need an update. They will also have a tab individually that says update. You can either select to update all or select only the apps you want to update.
  • Locate Settings to update your apps automatically in the Menu of the Play Store.
  • On this screen, tap on Auto-Update apps and select the desired option from the list you are prompted for.

How to Uninstall/Delete Apps on Galaxy Note 8

  • You need to go to Settings on your Note 8 and select Apps on this screen
  • Tap on the three dots icon and pick Show System Apps. This will reveal all the apps that you have installed earlier
  • Browse and select the application you wish to uninstall
  • Tap on Uninstall and then once again on it to confirm the action

The above procedure is easy; use it to manage applications on your Note 8.

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