How to use Reddit for business

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There are many different ways to use Reddit for your business. In this article, we are going to be showing to you some of them and also, we are going to be explaining them too. So, stay tuned and keep reading this guide to find out how you can use your own Reddit account for your business.

See also: How to customize the front page of Reddit

Learn the basics

If you are a part of some company, or you are the owner of some smaller business, you should definitely make a Reddit account with your company’s name. So, you should start off by creating a whole new account on Reddit with a specific name.

Once you have created your business account, you will have to become a member of some subreddits. Subreddits are groups (communities) that have similar interests like yours. So, basically, you just need to find a subreddit that is similar to your business’ niche. Become their member and, of course, follow the rules whenever you post something there so your account does not get banned from that subreddit’s moderator. But, it is very important to find a subreddit that is in your niche. If you own a programming company, look for subreddits that have similar interests and which have topics that are similar to programming. For example, if you own a cooking business, look for subreddits that are involved with cooking, you might even find some nice recipes.

Advertising on Reddit

Have in mind that Redditors are not really into self-promoting and marketing. So, if you are only on Reddit for that reason, remember that the Redditors might not like you nor want to have any kind of contact with you. So, it is best if you do not post comments or posts that are related to you promoting your own business. Instead, you can do these things:

  • Pay for some of the ads on Reddit. You are able to pay for many different commercials and ads that are going to show up in a certain subreddit. So, if you want to make your business grow, make a nice banner for your business and use it as an ad on Reddit. Have in mind that Reddit’s advertising rules are a bit different than, for example, Facebook or Instagram’s. So, make sure that you are well informed before you give out your money away.
  • If you own a company that is related to fashion or shopping in general, make a specific discount and share it with others in a subreddit. There is one subreddit where people who like to buy stuff and visit online shops discuss different deals and sales. That subreddit’s name is r/deals, so make sure you pay a visit or maybe even join them. It is best if you share your coupon code with them there and even make some specific deal with some people if possible.
  • Hold a contest on Reddit. You are able to sponsor or make some kind of a contest that might get your business to grow. If you, perhaps, need a new banner or logo for your business, find some kind of a subreddit that is connected to the graphic design topic. Make a competition regarding your logo, describe what you want and say how much is the reward and how will you give it to them. Then wait until some people get back at you or start sending you designs. At the end of the contest, choose the one that you like the most and reward them. Rewards can be anything, money, gift cards, whatever you have in mind really. Just make sure that the competition is real, do not scam people.
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