How to use Apple Watch to call 911

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Besides lots of options that the Apple Watch provides to its users, there is another one that is quite important and useful. You can use your Apple Watch to call 911 or other emergency services if you are not located in the United States.

This is another option that makes users of the Watch feel safer. Are you asking yourself how to use an Apple Watch to call 911? Well, here is some information about this feature in the text below.

Emergency call - how does it work?

The feature of an emergency SOS call allows you to easily and quickly call for help and alarm your contacts that you have set as a contact to call in case of an emergency. Making an emergency SOS call means that your Apple Watch is automatically calling local services, and it also shares the location that you are at. The Watch shares your location via text message after you finish the call.

So, the Apple Watch sends the location after you finish the call, and after some time, it will send the location again if you change it. In some countries where emergency services are divided, the number to call the police, ambulance, or fire departments differs. The Apple Watch allows you to choose which department to call.

A series of Apple Watches allows you to call emergency services when you are not in your home country. This feature can help you feel safer traveling to other regions or countries. Specifically, the Apple Watch will not send location texts or updates about it if you are traveling outside of your domestic country.

How to make an emergency call?

Making an emergency call on your Apple Watch must have cellular service; otherwise, your iPhone needs to be closed. If your phone is not there, the Watch needs an internet connection to a known network, and you must set up Wi-Fi calls. To make a call, you should follow these steps.

First, press and hold the Digital Crown to get an Emergency SOS menu on your Apple Watch. Keep holding the Digital Crown, or we can say the side button, and wait for the countdown to start. After the countdown, the Apple Watch will immediately call for emergency services. The Apple Watch will send your location via text message when the call is over. You can choose to cancel this service if you prefer.

Automatically call emergency SOS.

Sometimes, you can accidentally make an emergency service call if you have an auto call turned on. You can turn on auto calls just by going to the Apple Watch menu on your iPhone, choosing My Watch, and turning off the holding of the side button for emergency calls.

Emergency contacts

To add emergency contacts, open the Health application and your profile. Find the Medical Details heading and choose the Medical ID option. You will see the Edit button, so click on it and scroll down to find the section Emergency contact.

Tap the green icon to add emergency contacts. After entering your emergency contact's name, you should press the Done button to save the changes you have made. You cannot set up emergency services to be your emergency contact.

To remove emergency contacts, open the same app and go through the Medical Details to Medical ID options. Select the Edit button and scroll to the Emergency Contacts section. You will see the list of your emergency contacts if you have more than one, and click on the option delete next to the name of your earlier saved contact. To save changes, press done.

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