How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 8

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The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has been around for a month, and the company has already started pushing updates for the device. Updates are essential for a smartphone. They bring along several bug fixes and security patches with them.

Every time you get a software update, there is something fixed, or there are features that are added. This is done to help users get seamless service from the company and to increase user satisfaction. If you want to update your smartphone, here is a step-by-step guide on updating your Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

Steps to update your Samsung Galaxy Note 8

How to Update Samsung Galaxy Note 8

  • Swipe your Note 8 screen to view the Apps
  • On this screen, tap on Settings
  • Now scroll down to look for Software Update and tap on it
  • From the options given, tap on Download Updates Manually
  • Your Note 8 will check for updates
  • If a software update is available, wait for the update to process.
  • If there are no updates for your Note 8, press Home to exit the procedure.

Before you update your Samsung Galaxy Note 8, always remember that you should be connected to a fast internet connection, preferably Wi-Fi. Some updates are long and will usually consume a lot of battery while updating. If your battery is low, then plug it into a power source before you proceed to update your phone. Also, those using cellular data should remember that updates require a lot of data, so if you don’t want it to finish your data, install the update only when you are connected to Wi-Fi.

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