How to undo on Mac and how to redo

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If you are wondering how to undo and redo on your Mac, you came to the right place; we will show you how to do just that. You should know that undo and redo super simple and easy, and there are two methods to do this.

You can either use a keyboard shortcut for both or undo and redo using the Edit menu. You can choose whatever option you prefer or what you find more manageable and more convenient. Without further ado, let’s see the steps.

How to undo on Mac and how to redo using keyboard shortcuts

You can use keyword shortcuts to undo and redo the latest actions.

  • Undo keyboard shortcut – Press Command + Z
  • Redo keyboard shortcut – Press Command + Shift + Z

How to undo on Mac and how to redo using the Edit menu

You can use the edit menu to undo and redo the latest actions. Here is what you need to do:

  • Undo the action: Click Edit at the top of your screen and then click Undo
  • Redo the action: Click Edit at the top of your screen and then click Redo
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