How to reactivate Instagram account

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Instagram is currently the world’s second most used social media network, right behind the TikTok app. Instagram is available for Android, Windows, and IOS devices. You probably already know the main purpose of Instagram; posting pictures and videos, of course!

But like any other rising social media app out there, Instagram is trying to keep up with all of the trends, and because of that, they always tend to add more features to its app to make it better and to lure in more people to register. If you are among those people who, for some reason, deactivated their Instagram account but now want to reactivate, we will give you a complete step-by-step guide on how you can do this easily and in no time!

Steps to reactivating your Instagram account

If you deactivated your account a few days ago, you can get it back instantly. If you deactivated the account just a few hours ago, you would probably have to wait a bit more until you can get back into your account again. The deactivation process will take a few hours.

Keep in mind that if you delete your account, you, unfortunately, cannot get it back. Only deactivated accounts can be because that is only temporary, and deleting the account is permanent.

  • We will assume that you already have the Instagram application on your phone. If you delete it when you deactivate your account, no worries; go to the App Store or the Google Play Store and download and install Instagram again.
  • I hope you remember your password and username for the next step because you will need to log in to your account just like you do regularly. Remember that if you forget your password, you can still reset it, so there is no need to worry about that.
  • When you click that Log In button, a new window will appear on your device’s screen. You will be asked to confirm that you want to reactivate your account and to prove that that account does belong to you. You might need to type in your email or phone number, and they will send you a verification code that you will be able to type in the little box that will appear on your phone’s screen.
  • You might also have additional questions when trying to reactivate your account and log in.
  • After confirming that the account belongs to you, you can start using Instagram regularly. Go and see what you’ve missed!

If you want to reactivate a disabled Instagram account:

If Instagram has disabled your account for violating some of its terms or for some other reason, you can get it back.

  • Go to your phone’s Instagram app and log in regularly.
  • You will get a message saying that your account has been disabled; go to the next step.
  • Next, you will have to visit this link to get the account back. You can visit this link via a browser on your phone or your computer; it doesn’t matter; either way, it will work.
  • You must fill out all the forms and questions Instagram might ask you. For example, your email, name, username, etc.
  • When you are done, click on Send.

You will now have to wait for a certain amount of time until Instagram decides whether or not they will activate your account. You will get an email with that message.

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