How to play Xbox games on Xbox 360

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If you have some games for your original Xbox stored somewhere in the boxes at your home and have an Xbox 360, you might be able to play some of them on your Xbox 360 console. Not all original Xbox games can be played on an Xbox 360, but some of them can.

You can play some original Xbox games on your Xbox 360 console if you have an official Xbox 360 Hard Drive.

Play Xbox games using the Game disc

Here is one of the solutions we suggest. First, ensure that your Xbox 360 has the latest update downloaded. If not, sign in to your Xbox Live account and download available updates.

You should know that not all original Xbox games can be played on Xbox 360, so to check which one is supported, read the bottom of the article, where you can find the list of original Xbox games compatible with playing on Xbox 360.

Add the original game to your Xbox 360. The game will load and you will be able to play.

Get the original Xbox games

To get the original games:

  • Sign in to your Xbox Live account and go to the Xbox Game Store (Marketplace).
  • Go to "Explore Game" Content.
  • Open it, find the heading "Games On-Demand," move to the right, and choose All originals.

Now, look for a specific game you want to play. When you find it, click on the Buy button. The game will start downloading. It will take some time.

Head to My Xbox (Homepage) and find your Game Library. There you will see a list of all your games. Choose the game you have just downloaded and launch it.

Original Xbox games playable on Xbox 360

  1. 2006 FIFA World Cup™
  2. 25 to Life™ [1]
  3. 4x4 EVO 2
  4. AirForce Delta Storm
  5. Aggressive Inline™
  6. Alias™
  7. Aliens versus Predator™ Extinction
  8. All-Star Baseball™ 2003
  9. All-Star Baseball™ 2005
  10. America's Army®: Rise of a Soldier™
  11. AMF Bowling 2004 [1]
  12. Amped®: Freestyle Snowboarding
  13. Amped 2
  14. APEX™
  15. Aquaman: Battle of Atlantis
  16. Arena Football™
  17. Armed and Dangerous™
  18. Army Men®: Sarge's War™
  19. Atari® Anthology™
  20. ATV: Quad Power Racing 2™
  21. Auto Modellista
  22. Avatar: The Last Airbender
  23. Bad Boys 2
  24. Baldur's Gate™: Dark Alliance™ [1]
  25. Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
  26. Barbie™ Horse Adventures™ Wild Horse Rescue™
  27. The Bard's Tale™
  28. Bass Pro Shops Trophy Hunter 2007
  29. Batman Begins™
  30. Batman™: Rise of Sin Tzu™
  31. Battle Engine Aquila
  32. Battlestar Galactica™
  33. Big Mutha Truckers
  34. Bionicle®
  35. BLACK™
  36. Blade II
  37. Blinx™: The Time Sweeper™
  38. Blinx® 2 : Masters of Time & Space
  39. Blitz: The League [1]
  40. Blood Omen 2
  41. BloodRayne™ 2
  42. BlowOut
  43. BMX XXX™
  44. Breakdown™
  45. Brute Force™
  46. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  47. Buffy the Vampire Slayer™: Chaos Bleeds
  48. Burnout
  49. Burnout™ 2
  50. Burnout® 3: Takedown™
  51. Cabela's® Big Game Hunter™ 2005 Adventures
  52. Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts™
  53. Cabela's® Dangerous Hunts™ 2
  54. Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures™ 06
  55. Cabela's Deer Hunt™ 2005 Season
  56. Cabela's Deer Hunt™ 2004 Season
  57. Call of Cthulhu®: Dark Corners of the Earth™
  58. Call of Duty™: Finest Hour™
  59. Call of Duty® 2: Big Red One
  60. Call of Duty 3
  61. Cars
  62. Casino
  63. Catwoman™
  64. Championship Manager 2006 [1]
  65. Chicago Enforcer
  66. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
  67. Circus Maximus
  68. Close Combat: First to Fight
  69. Colin McRae Rally 4
  70. Colin McRae Rally 2005™
  71. Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers™
  72. Commandos 2: Men of Courage™
  73. Conflict: Desert Storm
  74. Conker: Live and Reloaded
  75. Constantine™
  76. Counter-Strike™
  77. Crash Bandicoot 4
  78. Crash Bandicoot 5: Wrath of Cortex
  79. Crash Nitro Kart™ [1]
  80. Crash Twinsanity™
  81. Crime Life Gang Wars
  82. Crimson Skies®: High Road to Revenge™
  83. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon™
  84. Dai Senryaku VII: Modern Military Tactics™
  85. Dark Angel
  86. Darkwatch™
  87. Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2™
  88. The Da Vinci Code™
  89. Dead or Alive® 3
  90. Dead or Alive Ultimate
  91. Dead to Rights®
  92. Demon Stone™
  93. Deathrow
  94. Destroy All Humans!
  95. Digimon® Rumble Arena® 2
  96. Dinotopia [1]
  97. DOOM 3®
  98. DOOM 3®: Resurrection of Evi™
  99. Drake™
  100. Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
  101. Drive to Survive
  102. Dungeons & Dragons®: Heroes™
  103. Dynasty Warriors 4
  104. EA SPORTS™ Fight Night Round 3
  105. Egg Mania™: Eggstreme Madness
  106. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind®
  107. ESPN College Hoops
  108. ESPN College Hoops 2K5 [1]
  109. ESPN Major League Baseball
  110. ESPN MLS ExtraTime 2002
  111. ESPN NFL 2K5
  112. ESPN NHL 2K5
  113. Euro 2004
  114. Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
  115. Evil Dead: Regeneration
  116. Ex-Chaser
  117. F1 2001
  118. Family Guy
  119. Fable®
  120. Fable®: The Lost Chapters™
  121. Fairly Odd Parents: Breakin' da Rules
  122. Fantastic Four
  123. Far Cry: Instincts
  124. Fatal Frame™
  125. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly DIRECTOR'S CUT
  126. FIFA Soccer 06
  127. FIFA Soccer 07
  128. FIFA Soccer 2003
  129. FIFA Soccer 2004
  131. FIFA Street 2
  132. Fight Night 2004
  133. Final Fight Streetwise™
  134. FlatOut™
  135. Ford Mustang
  136. Ford vs. Chevy
  137. Forza Motorsport™
  138. Freaky Flyers
  139. Freedom Fighters™ [1]
  140. Freestyle Street Soccer™
  141. Frogger Beyond™
  142. Full Spectrum Warrior™
  143. Full Spectrum Warrior™: Ten Hammers
  144. Futurama™
  145. Future Tactics: The Uprising
  146. Fuzion Frenzy®
  147. Gauntlet®: Seven Sorrows™
  148. Genma Onimusha
  149. Goblin Commander™: Unleash the Horde
  150. Godzilla®: Destroy All Monsters Melee
  151. Godzilla: Save The Earth
  152. GoldenEye: Rogue Agent™
  153. Grabbed by the Ghoulies™
  154. Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy
  155. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
  156. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas™
  157. Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.
  158. The Great Escape
  159. Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball Max'd
  160. Grooverider: Slot Car Thunder
  161. Guilty Gear Isuka
  162. Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
  163. The Guy Game [1]
  164. Half-Life® 2
  165. Halo®
  166. Halo 2
  167. Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack
  168. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets™
  169. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire™
  170. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban™
  171. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone™
  172. He-Man: Defender of Grayskull
  173. High Heat™ Major League Baseball® 2004 [1]
  174. Hitman: Contracts™
  175. Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Challenge
  176. House of the Dead 3
  177. The Hulk™
  178. Hunter: The Reckoning® [1]
  179. I-Ninja
  180. IHRA Drag Racing Sportsman Edition
  181. IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005™
  182. The Incredible Hulk™: Ultimate Destruction
  183. Incredibles
  184. The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer
  185. Indiana Jones™ and the Emperor's Tomb™
  186. Indigo Prophecy
  187. IndyCar® Series 2005
  188. Intellivision Lives
  189. Jade Empire™
  190. JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future
  191. Judge Dredd®: Dredd vs. Death™
  192. Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
  193. Justice League Heroes
  194. Kabuki™ Warriors
  195. Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
  196. kill.switch
  197. King Arthur
  198. The King of Fighters Neowave
  199. The King of Fighters™ 2002 & 2003
  200. Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders™
  201. The Legend of Spyro™: A New Beginning
  202. Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude
  203. LEGO® Star Wars®
  204. LEGO® Star Wars™ II: The Original Trilogy
  205. Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events™
  206. Links® 2004
  207. LOONS—The Fight for Fame
  208. The Lord of the Rings™: The Return of the King™
  209. The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age™
  210. Magatama
  211. Magic: The Gathering™—Battleground
  212. Manhunt
  213. Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
  214. Marvel vs. Capcom 2
  215. Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX™ 2
  216. Max Payne
  217. Max Payne® 2
  218. Maximum Chase
  219. MechAssault® 2: Lone Wolf
  220. Medal of Honor European Assault™
  221. Medal of Honor™ Frontline
  222. Medal of Honor™ Rising Sun
  223. Mega Man® Anniversary Collection
  224. Mercenaries™
  225. Metal Arms™: Glitch in the System
  226. MicroMachines
  227. Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing
  228. Minority Report
  229. MLB SlugFest 20-03
  230. MLB SlugFest 20-04
  231. MLB® SlugFest®: Loaded [1]
  232. Monster Garage™
  233. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
  234. Mortal Kombat® Deception™
  235. MotoGP
  236. MotoGP 2
  237. MTV Music Generator™ 3
  238. MTX: Mototrax™
  239. Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit
  240. MVP Baseball™ 2003 [1]
  241. MVP Baseball 2004 [1]
  242. MX Unleashed
  243. MX vs. ATV Unleashed
  244. MX World Tour™: Featuring Jamie Little
  245. Myst III: Exile
  246. Namco Museum™
  247. Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection
  248. NASCAR Thunder™ 2002 [1]
  249. NASCAR Thunder 2003 [1]
  250. NASCAR 2006: Total Team Control
  251. NBA® Ballers™ [1]
  252. NBA Inside Drive 2002
  253. NBA 2K3 [1]
  254. NBA Live 2002
  255. NBA LIVE 2004
  256. NBA STREET V3
  257. NCAA College Basketball 2K3
  258. NCAA March Madness 06 [1]
  259. NCAA® March Madness™ 2005[1]
  260. NCAA Football 06
  261. Need For Speed™ Underground 2
  262. NFL 2K2 [1]
  263. NFL 2K3 [1]
  264. NFL Blitz 2002
  265. NFL Blitz 2003
  266. NFL Blitz 2004
  267. NFL Fever 2004
  268. NHL® 2004
  269. NHL 2005
  270. NHL 2K3 [1]
  271. NHL Hitz™ 2003
  272. NHL Hitz Pro
  273. NightCaster
  274. Ninja Gaiden®
  275. Ninja Gaiden Black
  276. NTRA Breeders' Cup World Thoroughbred Championships [1]
  277. Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
  278. Open Season
  279. Outlaw Golf 2
  280. Outlaw Golf: 9 More Holes of X-mas
  281. Outlaw Tennis
  282. Outlaw Volleyball
  283. Outlaw Volleyball: Red Hot
  284. OutRun™ 2
  285. OutRun 2006: Coast to Coast
  286. Over the Hedge™
  287. Pac-Man World™ 3
  288. Pariah
  289. Panzer Dragoon ORTA™
  290. Phantom Crash™
  291. Phantom Dust™
  292. Pinball Hall of Fame™
  293. Pitfall®: The Lost Expedition™
  294. Playboy The Mansion
  295. Predator Concrete Jungle™
  296. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time™
  297. Pro Evolution Soccer 5
  298. Pro Race Driver™
  299. Project Gotham Racing®
  300. Project Gotham Racing 2
  301. Psychonauts
  302. Pump It Up™: Exceed
  303. The Punisher™
  304. Pure Pinball
  305. Puyo Pop Fever [1]
  306. Quantum Redshift®
  307. RalliSport Challenge
  308. Rainbow Six Lockdown
  309. Rapala Pro Fishing
  310. Rayman Arena
  311. Raze's Hell™
  312. Red Dead Revolver
  313. Red Faction® II
  314. RedCard™ 2003
  315. Reservoir Dogs
  316. Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  317. Richard Burns Rally
  318. RLH
  319. RoadKill
  320. Robin Hood Defender of the Crown®
  321. Robotech: Battlecry
  322. Rocky™ [1]
  323. Rocky Legends
  324. Rogue Ops
  325. Rogue Trooper™
  326. Rugby 2006
  327. Rugby League 2
  328. Samurai Jack
  329. Samurai Warriors™
  330. Scarface
  331. Scooby Doo!™ Night of 100 Frights
  332. Scrapland
  333. SEGA GT™ 2002
  334. Sega GT Online
  335. Serious Sam
  336. Shadow The Hedgehog™
  337. Shadow Ops™: Red Mercury
  338. Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures
  339. Shark Tale
  340. Shattered Union
  341. ShellShock: Nam '67™
  342. Shenmue II
  343. Shincho Mahjong
  344. Shrek® Super Party!
  345. Sid Meier's Pirates!®
  346. The Simpsons™ Hit and Run™
  347. The Simpsons™ Road Rage
  348. Sims™ 2
  349. Silent Hill® 2: Restless Dreams
  350. Silent Hill 4: The Room
  351. Smashing Drive
  352. Sneakers™ [2]
  353. Soccer Slam
  354. Sonic Heroes™
  355. Sonic Mega Collection™ Plus
  356. Sonic Riders™
  357. Soul Calibur 2
  358. Spawn® Armageddon
  359. Speed Kings™
  360. Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy™
  361. Spider-Man™
  362. Spider-Man® 2
  363. Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball
  364. Splinter Cell: Double Agent
  365. SpongeBob SquarePants™: Battle for Bikini Bottom
  366. Sponge Bob Square Pants: Lights, Camera, Pants!
  367. The SpongeBob Square Pants Movie
  368. SpyHunter® 2
  369. SpyHunter:® Nowhere to Run™
  370. Spyro™ A Hero's Tail
  371. SSX 3
  372. Stake™
  373. Starsky & Hutch
  374. Star Wars® Battlefront™
  375. Star Wars Battlefront™ II
  376. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith™
  377. Star Wars Jedi Knight®: Jedi Academy™
  378. Star Wars Jedi Starfighter™
  379. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic™
  380. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic® II: The Sith Lords™
  381. Star Wars Republic Commando™
  382. State of Emergency
  383. Street Fighter® Anniversary Collection
  384. Street Racing Syndicate™
  385. Stubbs the Zombie™ in Rebel without a Pulse™
  386. The Suffering
  387. Super Bubble Pop
  388. Super Monkey Ball™ Deluxe
  389. SX Superstar™
  390. Syberia II
  391. Taz Wanted
  392. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™
  393. The Terminator™ Dawn of Fate
  394. Terminator® 3: Rise of the Machines
  395. Test Drive [1]
  396. Test Drive®: Eve of Destruction
  397. Tetris Worlds™
  398. The Thing™
  399. Thief: Deadly Shadows™
  400. Thousand Land
  401. Thrillville™
  402. Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 07
  403. TMNT™ Mutant Melee™
  404. Tom and Jerry: War of the Whiskers
  405. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
  406. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon™ 2
  407. Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon™: Island Thunder™
  408. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® 2 Summit Strike
  409. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3
  410. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® 3 Black Arrow™
  411. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell®
  412. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Chaos Theory™
  413. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Double Agent™
  414. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Pandora Tomorrow™
  415. Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
  416. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x
  417. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
  418. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater™ 4
  419. Tony Hawk's Underground
  420. Tony Hawk's Underground 2
  421. Torino 2006™ Winter Olympics
  422. Tork™: Prehistoric Punk™
  423. Toxic Grind
  424. Transworld Surf
  425. Trigger Man™
  426. Trivial Pursuit® Unhinged ™
  427. True Crime: Streets of LA
  428. Turok: Evolution™
  429. Ty The Tasmanian Tiger™
  430. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger™ 2: Bush Rescue™
  431. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger™ 3: Night of the Quinkan
  432. Ultimate Spider-Man
  433. Ultra Bust-A-Move
  434. Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict
  435. Urban Freestyle Soccer
  436. The Urbz™: Sims In The City™
  437. Van Helsing™
  438. Vexx™
  439. Vietcong™: Purple Haze
  440. Volvo: Drive for Life
  441. Wakeboarding Unleashed: Featuring Sean Murray
  442. WarPath [1]
  443. Whacked!
  444. Winback 2: Project Poseidon
  445. Without Warning
  446. World Soccer Winning Eleven 8 International
  447. World Soccer Winning Eleven 9
  448. World Series® Baseball 2K3
  449. Worms 3D
  450. Worms 4 Mayhem
  451. Worms™ Forts: Under Siege
  452. Wrath Unleashed™
  453. WWE™ Raw™
  454. WWE™ Raw™ 2
  455. X2 Wolverine's Revenge
  456. Xiaolin Showdown
  457. XIII
  458. Yourself!Fitness™
  459. Yu-Gi-Oh!™ The Dawn of Destiny™
  460. Zapper™
  461. Zathura

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