How to manage who can see your connections on LinkedIn

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There are many social networks these days, but LinkedIn is definitely a special one because it is business-oriented. It is designed for the business community. It helps individuals to connect with others with ease, to find jobs and opportunities, while the companies can find employees that match the company’s needs. If you have the profile on LinkedIn, we are sure you have your connections as well and perhaps you don’t want others to see the connections you have made. Here, in this article, we are going to show you how to manage who can see your connections on LinkedIn.

See also: How to Delete LinkedIn Account

How to manage who can see your connections on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is simple to use and you can find all the things you need within seconds. If you are a new network user and want to make some changes in terms who can see the connections you have made, just follow the steps below:

  • Open the browser and go to LinkedIn website
  • Enter your email and password to log in
  • At the top of the page click on your profile photo or click on “Me”
  • The drop-down menu will show up, choose Settings & Privacy
  • You will see the option “Who can see your connections”
  • Click on that
  • Click on Your connections window
  • You get two choose between two options and those are Your Connections and Only Me

14. How to manage who can see your connections on LinkedIn

  • If you don’t want others to see your connections, choose Only You
  • As soon as you make the change it will be automatically saved.

Keep in mind that LinkedIn members will be able to see the connections they share with you and also the connections that endorse you. If you change your mind at some point and if you decide to allow your connections to see others you are connected with, just follow the same steps and choose “Your connections”.

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