How to Manage Mobile Data Usage on Windows Phone

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Managing your mobile data is very important especially if you are on a limited plan. If you want to manage your data plan on a Windows Phone, the best way is to use the in-built application, Data Sense. This is the best app to help you track your data usage and manage your data so that you do not run into huge phone bills. If you are a Windows phone user then here are a few things that will help you monitor Data usage Windows 7 and manage data efficiently through Data Sense.

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Monitor Data Usage on Windows 8 Phone

monitor Data usage Windows 7

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On your Windows 8 or 8.1 phone, you can access Data sense by swiping down and then tapping on ‘All Settings’. The next thing you need to do is swipe down and tap on Data Sense. Now you need to set the limit for your data and choose the type of limit you want for your plan. You must also choose the number of days for which your plan will last.

Next, you will be asked to enter the amount of data that is available on your plan. It is advisable that you choose the option ‘Restrict background data usage’. This will limit the amount of data that is used up by background applications. It is also best to restrict data for roaming.

monitor Data usage Windows 7

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When you are near the limit, the application will notify you so that you can take necessary actions.

Monitor Data Usage on Windows 10 Phone

If you are running Windows 10 on your phone, then you can monitor your data usage by going to Settings and then tapping on Network and Wireless. Look for data usage and tap on ‘Set Limit’. You can then set the limit type according to your data plan and choose the amount of data that you want to limit your phone to. Saving these settings will help you monitor your usage of data on your Windows 10 phone.


  1. It is best to pin Data Sense to the Start Screen so you can track your data usage through the live tile. It also helps you access the app quickly.
  2. Check detailed usage of data by selecting the usage view on the app. It will allow you to check the amount of data used by each app. You will also get details about the amount of cellular data used and the amount of data used when you were connected to a Wi-Fi.
  3. You also have the option to check for open Wi-Fi connections using Data Sense. This means that when you are near your data limit, you can choose to ‘Map nearby Wi-Fi’ through the Data Sense app and look for free Wi-Fi hotspots.
  4. You should consider restricting the use of background data with the help of the application so that you can save on your data and monitor Data usage Windows 7, 8 and 10.
  5. Enabling browser data savings allows the app to compress images, JavaScript and HTML text and reduces the consumption of data by a substantial amount. For someone who uses the web a lot on their Windows device, this is a great way to save data.
  6. You may find that your app is not quite accurate during the first month of use. This may happen because you started using the app on a different date than your bill date. It will automatically reset itself during the next billing period and you will notice accurate results.

With an app to monitor your data usage you will notice a significant amount of savings on data as well as your phone bills.

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