How to make your Instagram photos private

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Privacy often comes up when cybersecurity issues are discussed. You can choose what you want the public to see on social media platforms and what you want only yourself to see. So, it can be said that privacy is a personal choice when surfing the Internet.

On Instagram, no setting sets your photos private, but this can be achieved by making your account private. This article will show you how to make your Instagram photos private and give you another alternative.

Why make your IG account private?

Jumping out of publicity and into your private space on the Gram could be motivated by reasons such as:

  1. Hiding from people who you fear may Photoshop your pictures.
  2. Keeping a distance from haters who might leave nasty comments on your cool (no doubt) photos.
  3. Blocking people from stalking you and keeping up with your life, you Kardashian!

Whatever your reason, this article will show you how to go private both on the app and the web.

On the app

  1. Tap on the Instagram icon on your home screen to launch the app.
  2. Now, make sure that you are logged in to your account. You should open the home page, and the latest posted image or video should start showing.
  3. Tap on your profile's icon at the screen's bottom-right corner.
  4. On the screen that opens, tap on the three-barred icon in the top-right corner. This shoots out a menu from the right side.
  5. Tap on the 'Settings' button at the bottom of the menu. You will be switched to the 'Settings' screen.
  6. Below the "Notifications" button, tap on the "Privacy" button.
  7. On the "Privacy page" and under the "Connections" section, tap on the "Account privacy" button, which is set to "public."
  8. Now, toggle the "Private Account" button.
  9. Once this is done, a pop-up asks you to review your followers.

By making your account private, Instagram has detected that you may be having a problem interacting with some of your followers and therefore asks you to see whether you can make adjustments (as in, stopping people from following you)

On the web

  1. After visiting Instagram's website, log in to your account.
  2. On the home page, tap on your profile icon in the top-right corner.

Your profile's page will open instantly.

  1. Click on the icon next to the "Edit Profile" button.
  2. On the menu that pops up, click "Privacy and Security."
  3. Check the "Private Account" box on the open page under "Account Privacy." A 'Settings saved' message will float briefly on the bottom of the screen.

Another move you can make

If making your account private is something you don't want to do, you might as well archive that particular photo. These archived photos will not be deleted but moved to a private chest where only you can see them.

On the app, here's how you can do it:

  1. Under your profile, navigate to the photo you want.
  2. Once you get to it, tap on the three dots at the top-right.
  3. On the menu that appears, tap on "Archive." The photos will disappear from the collection.
  4. To navigate to it, tap on the three bars in the top-right.
  5. Then, tap on 'Archive.' You will see it there.

It is not possible to archive a photo on the web.

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