How to disable or block file transfers on TeamViewer

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According to TeamViewer's users, one of the many abilities of the app is the ability to transfer files. You can instantaneously and effortlessly send files to a computer in a remote area or a server. They can also be sent to your computer.

If you have an attachment whose size cannot be accommodated by your drafted email, you can use TeamViewer to make that (which seems impossible) happen. TeamViewer guarantees its users that all transfers are encrypted (and thus secure). It also uses peer-to-peer technology where the sender and receiver have equal privileges on the platform.

Why disable or block file transfers?

Because of peer-to-peer technology, file transfer can make someone pick a 'confidential' file from a computer to their remote one. This feature could make your privacy become invaded.

Also, since someone can send you files, imagine receiving a corrupted file that infects your computer and makes your memory clogged or files to get lost – this would be a bummer!

Because of this and many other reasons, this article will guide you on how to disable or block file transfers on TeamViewer. Disabling or blocking file transfers is a security measure as you work your way around TeamViewer.

To disable and block

Although TeamViewer employs peer-to-peer technology, it does have a "Deny" option. The steps are for use on any PC (Windows, Linux, or macOS).

  1. Launch the TeamViewer app from your desktop or list of apps.
  2. When it opens, click on the 'Extra' button at the menu bar.
  3. When a small popup menu appears, click on the "Options" option. You will see the "TeamViewer options" box.
  4. A list of buttons (or tabs) on the box will show on the right. Click the last button on the list labeled "Advanced."
  5. On the screen to your right, click the 'Show advanced options' button. You should see the 'Advanced settings for connections to this computer when it appears. Also, you will see an "Access control" label.
  6. Drop the box next to the label and choose "Custom settings."
  7. Click on the 'Configure' button on the right side of the label. You will see the "Access Control Details" box, and a list of in-platform controls will be displayed.
  8. On the list, drop down the box next to the "Transfer files" label and change it from "Allowed" to "Denied." Do the same for the box next to the 'File transfer using the file box' label.

Now, each file transfer operation to be initiated will be blocked, and thus, file transfers will be disabled. If whoever is sending or transfecting a file is a trusted person, remember to set the functions to "Allow" to save them the inconvenience.

Other ways you can do it?

Sadly, that is the only in-platform way you can disable or block file transfers on TeamViewer. If your idea is to keep your files as private as they can be, you can use other restrictive measures such as:

  1. Compressing and zipping – using any compressing software, you can zip your private files in a chest and add a password. This will prevent anyone from accessing them even if they bypass your TeamViewer restrictions. It is like adding a protective layer.
  2. Password encryption for files – Do it if you can add a password to a file (such as a .docx or .xls file).

If the idea is to protect your privacy, then each part of this article should serve you well.

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