How to delete Venmo account

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Venmo is a top-rated mobile payment service that PayPal owns. It allows you to send and receive money using the app on your device, but both parties, the one who sends and the one who receives money, need to live in the United States.

Even though everything is handled using the app, one thing you can’t do with the Venmo app is close the account. If you want to delete your Venmo account, you can only do it on your smartphone browser, desktop, or laptop. Here is how you can do that.

Before you delete your Venmo account

Here are some things you need to do first:

  • Make sure to transfer the funds you have on your Venmo account to your bank account
  • Also, make sure to download a copy of your transaction history. It will be deleted along with your Venmo account.

How to delete a Venmo account

Once you have transferred the funds to your bank account and downloaded a copy of your transaction history, you are ready to delete your account. Here’s how to do that:

  • Open a browser of your choice and go to the Venmo website
  • Click on log in in the top-right corner of the screen and enter your details
  • Now click on Settings from the menu on the left side
  • Scroll to the bottom and click on the option “Close My Venmo Account.”
  • While you are there, you can click on “Download CSV.”
  • Now click Next
  • A pop-up will show up, and you will see a message “Before you can close your Venmo account, review and download your most recent statement.”
  • Click Next
  • Finally, you will be asked if you want to close your account
  • Click Close Account.

Once this is all done, you will receive an email informing you that your account has been deleted.

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