How to change download quality in Google Play Music on Android

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Google Play Music is among the most popular music streaming services. With a subscription, you can download the songs and albums, and listen to your favorite music even when you are offline. That’s pretty cool, right? But is there a way to change the download quality? Of course there is.

By default, download quality is set to normal, but you can change this and choose another option that suits you better. If this is something you want to do, keep reading, we are going to share a quick and easy to follow guide. Check out how to change download quality on Google Play Music on Android.

How to change download quality in Google Play Music on Android

Every great app and every great streaming service has its own set of options designed to offer you the best possible experience. You can tweak the options and adjust them according to your preferences. Changing the download quality does not require too much effort, and the steps for that are pretty simple. Here is what you need to do:

  • Open Google Play Music on your Android smartphone or tablet
  • Tap on the hamburger icon in the top-left corner of the app
  • Now tap Settings
  • Scroll down until you reach the Downloads section
  • Tap Download quality
  • As you can see, “Normal” is set as default
  • You can choose to switch to “Low” which offers lower quality but uses less storage, or you can go for “High” that offers higher quality but uses more storage.
  • Tap on the option you find suitable.

That is all you need to do. Now, if you want to change the download quality, follow the steps we have listed above and you will make adjustments in no time.

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