How to change AT&T Wi-Fi password

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Whether it’s to keep your Wi-Fi secure or just want to change things up a bit, it’s not difficult to change your AT&T Wi-Fi password. The methods below will show you how to easily and efficiently change your Wi-Fi password in two ways. The only thing you will need to do this is a device (a desktop is preferred) with an internet connection.

What Makes a Strong Password?

Most people who change their Wi-Fi password are doing it to eliminate unwanted users trying to connect to the network or for other security purposes. To make sure your network stays secure, make sure to keep the following things in mind as you change your password:

  • Don’t set your password as your name or of someone else in your family, and avoid using your home address. Don’t set anything as your password that is easy to guess.
  • The best passwords are at least eight characters long with a combination of capital and minuscule letters, numbers, and special characters such as $, %, and!
  • Don’t get too carried away. Make sure your password is easy to remember for your family and anyone else who might need it. Using familiar but impersonal words can help you achieve this.

Method 1: Change the Wi-Fi Password Using the Gateway Settings

To change your Wi-Fi password using the Gateway User Interface, follow these steps:

  1. On a web browser of your choice, go to the gateway settings from this link. Note that you may be asked to enter your Device Access Code. This code can be found at the side of the gateway (not your Wi-Fi password). Enter this code in the “Password” text field on the browser screen. Once you are done, click “Submit” and continue.
  2. Once the website opens up, scroll down to where it says “Top Networking Features” and choose “Wireless” from the list of links.
  3. If you scroll down to the Network section, you can change the name of your Wi-Fi under “Network Name (SSID).” If you’re changing your password for security purposes, you may want to take this additional measure.
  4. You can change your password under the Security section. Change your WPA to “custom,” then enter your new password in the “Key” text field. Keep in mind the tips for a good password mentioned above.
  5. Click “Save.” You can leave the browser window.

Method 2: Change the Wi-Fi Password Using the Smart Home Manager

To change your Wi-Fi password using the Smart Home Manager settings, follow these steps:

  1. On a web browser of your choice, go to the Smart Home Manager website from this link.
  2. Once the website opens, go to the Main Menu and select “More.”
  3. From there, select “Network.”
  4. In the list that follows, click on your Wi-Fi network.
  5. You can now change your Wi-Fi name as well as your password. If you’re changing your password for security purposes, you may want to take the additional measure of changing the name. Click the X beside the text field to clear your existing information and enter your new one. Keep in mind the tips for a good password mentioned above.
  6. Once you are done, click “Save.” You can leave the browser window.

It’s that easy! Once you have changed your Wi-Fi name and/ or password, update the new Wi-Fi information on all the devices connected to that network.

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