With the introduction of ARKit in the iOS 11, the developers have already been working their way to add new functionalities to their apps to give their users an all-new experience. The ARKit combines digital objects along with the surroundings around the user. It lets the apps connect with the actual world in a new and creative way. There are some apps that have upgraded their functionalities by adding ARKit while some developers have come up with new apps meant specifically to enjoy ARKit. Here is a list of top AR apps for iOS 11 you definitely should try out.
Before we begin with the list, iOS 11 is available for all iPhone 6S users and above, 9.7 inch iPad and iPad Pro.
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List of AR Apps For iOS 11
The Edmunds app helps you shop for used cars. Some of the popular brands that the app deals in are – BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Lexus, GMC, Chevrolet and more. Edmund is an old app and lets you text car dealers, calculate the monthly instalments, look for the true market value of the vehicle along with other features. With the introduction of ARKit in the app, you would now be able to use your device to check whether or not your dream car would actually fit in the parking space that you have at home. The app is free so make sure to try it out.
TapMeasure-AR Utility
One of the coolest AR apps for iOS 11 is TapMeasure. The app is an extremely useful and exciting to use. Just like its name all you need to do is to tap – whether you need to place points around the room or hang a picture the app is simply the best for taking measurements. The app has the ability to draw 3D shapes on the floor using the 3D room builder mode you just need to swipe up one you finish outlining. It even detects wall placements that you have wafted from.
Download TapMeasure-AR Utility
Thomas and Friends
This was the first ARKit app that Apple featured in the App Store when ARKit was launched. This is a very simple yet fun to play and is pretty interesting for kids as well. The player needs to design tracks for Thomas which is a Tank Engine. Once the AR is turned on the whole world of Thomas appears in front. There are six different worlds that you can play in. The game app is free.
Fitness AR
The Augmented Reality on Fitness AR lets you explore runs and bikes. Powered by Mapbox you get a 3D terrain map where you can walk and check the previous activities. There are different cycling routes to choose from such as Mont Ventoux and AlpeD’Huez. The new AR feature in the app lets you record your route also allowing you to zoom in and out. It is a paid app and can be downloaded for $2.99.
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