Technobezz Editorial Policy, Fact-Checking, and Disclosure

Our commitment to accurate, unbiased, and transparent technology journalism

Welcome to Technobezz. We've been taking apart devices and writing about tech since 2012. We test things ourselves, find real solutions, and explain them clearly. Here's how we work.

How We Check Facts

We test everything we write about. When we talk about a device problem, we've fixed it ourselves. For tech news and updates, we check official sources, tech documentation, and our own tests. Our writers and editors fix tech problems daily - we're not just watching from the sidelines.

If something's not clear, we ask the companies directly. If we can't verify something, we don't publish it. Each article goes through multiple checks - first by our tech experts who work with the devices, then by editors who verify every detail.

We only use original photos and screenshots from devices we've tested. When we show you how to fix something, we've done it ourselves first.

How We Write

We write about tech because we work with it. Our articles include news, reviews, fixes, and how-to guides. We show you what works because we've tested it. No guessing, no copying others.

Our content is written by humans who fix tech problems, not AI. Every tutorial comes from real experience taking apart devices and putting them back together. We write steps we've actually followed, not ones we think might work.

If we make a mistake, we fix it fast and tell you what changed. Big updates get explained at the top of the article. If we need to take something down, we tell you why. No one tells us what to write - not advertisers, not partners, no one.

Product Reviews

When we review products, we buy them ourselves or test them in person. We don't write reviews based on other people's opinions. If a company sends us something to test, we'll tell you. Our recommendations come from using devices, not from press releases.

Money Stuff

Some of our articles have affiliate links. If you buy something through these links, we get a small commission. It doesn't cost you extra. We mark these links clearly and remind you when they're on a page.

Our writers can't accept gifts or favors from tech companies. If we get a device for testing, we send it back when we're done. Simple as that.

Technobezz is part of Firm Luxury Media. They're big in digital publishing, reaching hundreds of millions of people. But our work stays our own. If this changes, we'll tell you here and in our About section.

Updates and Corrections

Tech changes fast. We update our guides when new solutions work better than old ones. Each article shows when it was last checked and updated. For news stories, we tell you exactly when things happened and update with new facts as we confirm them.

Why We Tell You All This

We want you to know exactly how we work. We've spent 14 years building trust by fixing things and writing about it honestly. When we take something apart or test a solution, we show our work. That's how we've earned trust from tech experts and regular users alike.

Talk to Us

Got questions about how we do things? Email us at Your feedback helps us do better work.

Thanks for reading Technobezz. We'll keep testing, fixing, and explaining tech in ways that actually help.

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